Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Support the Palestinian State in September.

Support the Palestinian State in September.
July 20, 2011

For over 60 years, we have suffered through war and occupation. Seventy percent of our people are refugees, many still living in camps waiting for the day when they will return to their homes. In the West Bank, we live in constant humiliation, as we cross through checkpoints and endure the continued colonization of our land. And, in Gaza our people suffer from a suffocating siege that restricts all movement of goods and people.

Yet, we continue to work toward the day when our families will reunite, when our cities will prosper and our children will be free to fulfill their full potential. We cling to our long-standing aspiration for the freedom to live in peace, prosperity and security in sovereign and independent Palestinian state. We have chosen negotiations as our path toward a just, comprehensive and durable peace between Palestinians and Israelis. The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), founded in 1964, is the official and sole representative of our people and has participated in numerous negotiations processes on our behalf, a journey which has at times been complicated and painful.

Now we will continue our diplomatic effort to gain international recognition for our state on the 1967 boarders. We will use every peaceful means available to us to achieve our rights. We hope to see the fruits of our labor this September with the admission into the UN of the State of Palestine.

Support the Palestinian State in September!

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