Friday, September 23, 2011

Why do I support the Palestinian State?

Why Do I support the Palestinian State?
September 23, 2011

These days the people of the world are witnessing a great incident and a turning point in the human history, the free people of the world now are making the history in their hands, our support for the justice and peace will be reflected on the entire humanity and the next generations, those who will remember that one day there were great people, worked tirelessly and forcefully to grant this peaceful life for us.

Our efforts will not go to vain, this long history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict affected, not only this region, but the entire world, the entire people on this planet are sick of the continuous wars, conflicts and injustice, they want to live in peace, love freedom and harmony. Enough is enough. This time is a special time, and this chance is a special chance for the humanity to live in peace.

This is a real turning point in the human history, whether that long conflict will be ended and peace will replace conflicts and lights will replace darkness or (I hope not) the conflict will remain and increased and the darkness will become darker.

There are some groups benefit from wars, if they find themselves weak they feed themselves on wars and bloodshed. Knowing that some groups are extremists but ultra-extremists, what do they mean by arming them? and military training them? what do they mean by sending an army to back them when they attack someone else? It's a dangerous movement to threaten and try to blackmail other people, and insist them to react. Then use this reaction as a pretext to wage a war on them.

The Israeli government's policies made Israel isolated in the world and its internal policies raised revolutions inside Israel. It failed to play the role of Gandhi and the real Gandhi stripped it off from every weapon and weakened its position.

As usual to it when it finds itself in an internal or external weak position it go to the war, taking the other's activities, no matter how they were simple or worthless, as pretexts to wage a war on them.

I'm not conspirator and I hope I'm wrong, but reading the Israeli daily news, the huge military projects, military preparations, the call up for the army reserves, preparing the citizens for the state of war and arming the settlers and training them, are indicators for their intention of waging a new war. This war will not be like the wars waged before, taking in consideration the unrest in the Arab World, this war will spread the entire region.

Thus why I support the vote for the Palestinian State, in addition to that it's a long overdue right to the People of Palestine, this peaceful movement will block any intention of violence by anyone, and will promote the equality, justice and peace for the region and then for the entire world.

If Israel support the Palestinian movement, it will be a historical act that returns Israel to the bosom of the
world, and will reshape the people's view to the Israeli regime and will fix the corrupted relations with other countries, as Israel supports just and peaceful decision.

The Palestinians will be satisfied with this just and long overdue decision and will re-trust the International leagues and will continue building their state in peaceful processes.

The score for the peaceful movements will be high, and more and more people from both sides will believe in peace and peaceful movements. Everyone who call for violence will be in weak position as peace proved its ability to achieve the requirements of the people, then both sides will reject any attempt of making conflicts between them.

Peace will be achieved in the region and the entire world.

Support this peaceful movement to achieve the peace on earth, and ensure a good and peaceful life for ourselves, our children and the next generations.

Support Peace, Support Palestine.

Vote for Palestine,


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